On Sunday's installment of "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," George Will declared that he would tell the "average American" that he's better off now than he was eight years ago if put up to the task. If the Democratic Party had any kind of brains for the most important part of contemporary politics - that would be electioneering, of course - then they would run the video clip of this infuriatingly pompous comment on its own network, 24/7 until Election Day.
If elitism has a face, it is George Will's self-satisfied mug with a wide-open mouth full of foaming diarrhea. Is there anything more elitist than somebody who comes on national tv and tells a large group of people he's never met that their dissatisfaction with the economy and their place in it is simply a work of their imaginations? OK, so those aren't the words Mr. Will actually used, but that was part of the implied message since almost all the latest polls show Americans as feeling worse off economically today than they did back in 2000. If Mr. Will had wanted to avoid any kind of ambiguity, however, then his declaration would have more closely resembled this: "The average American is better off than he was eight years ago, he's just too stupid to realize it." In fact, that is the one and only thing that could be construed from Will's closing statement from the the clip over at crooksandliars.com (see link at end of entry).
The statement made me wonder: if Barack Obama is elitist for identifying - some would say misidentifying - the average small-town American's dissatisfaction with and knee-jerk reactions to the faultering economy, then how elitist is George Will for telling the average American that he doesn't even have the right to his dissatisfaction in the first place because he just doesn't understand that he's better off than he was eight years ago? There is simply nothing more elitist than this type of statetment, and the Democrats would be wise to point out this type of elitism as often as possible before Election Day.
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