Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Erectile Dysfunction of the Rich & Bombastic

Rush Limbaugh is back in the news, and again it's for illegal possesion of . . . Viagra? Shouldn't he have been sent to prison for life without parole by now -- I mean, that's the way things ought to be, right? Never mind. Here's a link to the short article at CNN.com:

Limbaugh's attorney, Roy Black, said that though the Viagra had been prescribed to Mr. Limbaugh, the prescription on the bottle was made out to his doctors "for privacy purposes." Privacy purposes? Everyone knows this guy hasn't been able to sustain a hard-on since Clinton left office! Who's he trying to fool? Worse yet, who's he trying to fuck?!!?

Sunday, June 25, 2006


It's 4:20 in the morning, and I'm watching a rerun of the Argentina-Mexico World Cup Quarterfinal match while eating donuts. Has it really come to this? Why the fuck am I not asleep right now? I almost wish I were drunk . . .

Friday, June 23, 2006

Lookout Joe

I think this is the year, folks. I think this is the year that the Senate's most useless member (boy, is that an insult), Joe Lieberman, finally gets voted out of office for being the spineless, pandering, Republican-in-Somebody-Else's clothing that he is. Democratic voters in Connecticut finally will realize that if they really want a Republican Senator, they can pull the other lever; Republican voters, meanwhile, no longer will have to decide between a Democratic candidate who's more conservative than their candidate or a Republican candidate who's more liberal than their oppopnent but keeps the numbers in their favor.

Here's a short list of things that will push Mr. Lieberman to the unemployment line: he's pro-NAFTA; he supports Capital Punishment; he's vehemently in favor of the U.S.-led Iraq War, so much so that he has criticized almost all of his fellow Democrats who oppose the war; he wanted to censor Marilyn Manson; he acted like a holier-than-thou fuckface during the Monica Lewinsky Scandal; he sided with hypocritical hillbilly billionaire doctor Bill Frist and the rest of his sanctimonious Republican asshole comrades in the Terry Schiavo situation; he wants to compromise (read: give in to Bush & Co.) on Social Security; he believes religious faith should be allowed a place in publicly run operations; and finally my favorite: he is in favor of giving hospitals in Connecticut the right not to offer emergency contraceptive pills to rape victims, if to do so would be against the hospital's moral and religious beliefs because -- are you ready for this? -- he believes that Connecticut has enough hospitals not to make it too much of an inconvenience for rape victims to travel between them! I repeat: he is in favor of giving hospitals in Connecticut the right not to offer emergency contraceptive pills to rape victims, if to do so would be against the hospital's moral and religious beliefs because -- are you ready for this? -- he believes that Connecticut has enough hospitals not to make it too much of an inconvenience for rape victims to travel between them! I'm sure the ladies of Connecticut will feel so fortunate to have to travel such a short distance from one conveniently located hospital to another after they've just been raped!!!

Can anyone tell me why this man is in office? As a Democrat no less? What kind of indentity crisis are the Connecticut voters experiencing to cause them to have elected this guy to three consecutive terms by landslide margins?

The irony, of course, is that Lieberman became a Senator by defeating incumbent Republican Lowell Weiker, whose voting record was too liberal for many of his Republican constituents. Lieberman was considered so much more conservative than Weiker that the National Review endorsed Lieberman! Now, if all comes full circle, Lieberman will be voted out of office because his voting record was considered too conservative for his Democratic constituents.

Look out, Joe -- unemployment can be a bitch.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Assholes Doing What Assholes Do Best

Did anybody else notice that the U.S. Congress just gave itself another payraise?

The raise is being labeled as a "cost of living" measure. I don't know about you, but I find it fascinating that the cost of living increases every year for incompetent public servants, yet seems to remain the same for minimum wage workers. Perhaps a short consultation with a professional economist -- preferably one of a conservative bent -- can explain this phenomenon.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Who needs reality?


Did I read that second sentence correctly? Did Mr. Kristol really write, "Millions of Americans feel bad for Scooter Libby's family"? Does he really believe that millions of Americans give a shit about some war-mongering, far-right, piece-of-shit elitist liar? Surely you jest, Mr. Kristol. And what was that about an injustice that had been done? To Mr. Libby this injustice has been done? No, not to the members of our armed services does Mr. Kristol claim that these injustices have been done - those same members of the armed services who were sent to Iraq on a bunch of Fascist, uh, I mean Neocon lies carefully orchestrated by Mr. Kristol, Mr. Libby and all of their hawkish friends (who never actually bothered to serve in the military themselves) and then swallowed hook, line and sinker by the gullible "liberal-biased" media. I guess nobody of Mr. Kristol's privileged status believes these men and women and their families deserve an apology for that injustice, nor will anybody of Mr. Kristol's privileged status deem these men and women and their families worthy of an apology when they return from this doomed war and discover that their health benefits have been cut by the very same privileged group of daydreamers that sent them off in the first place. Oh, but for the innocent, downtrodden Mr. Libby and his family we are supposed to shed our tears, America.

Please. This whole tragicomedy begs the question: in exactly what universe does Mr. Kristol live? It is patently obvious that reality is nothing more than a petty nuisance to him and his cohorts, and that they are so far removed from reality the only thing that could possibly lead them back to it is death. But I'm not going to hold my breath for that kind of justice; the Mr. Libby's of the world don't receive that kind of justice, they only hand it out.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

The Unstoppable Force

I cannot stop watching "Law & Order: Criminal Intent." There is no resistance. Help is needed.

Damn you, Dick Wolf! Damn you and your "Law & Order" machine! I know I am not the only human who's been turned into a television viewing automaton by your sinister "Law & Order" conglomerate. On behalf of all my "Law & Order" automaton brethren, damn you, Dick Wolf! And damn you, too, Vincent D'Onofrio! Damn you and all your ticks! Damn you and your peculiar way of talking! And damn you and your unstoppable ability to solve the crime! And damn you, Kathryn Erbe! Damn you and your horrible hairdo! You live in the biggest damn city in North America and you still can't find a competent stylist? Damn you again! And damn you, Jamey Sheridan! Damn your understated masculinity! My colossal man-crush on you haunts me! Damn you, Courtney Vance! Damn your eloquence and logic! Damn your fashion sense! Damn everything about you and that damn show you inhabit! Damn all of you "Law & Order" bastards! I want my life back! I want it back! Damn you all!