President Monkey-Brain held a press conference today to do something wholly expected: to denounce the House of Representatives' passing of an Iraq War funding bill that included a deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops. What was even less surprising -- but infinitely more annoying and (by now, we hope) tiresome -- was his using members of the U.S. military as props in his quest for . . . whatever it is he thinks he's trying to accomplish. I mean seriously, how detached from reality has this cock-sucking, common sense-shattering blunderhead become?
The secret is out, Georgie-Boy: everybody knows you don't give a shit about our troops. You never gave a shit about them! How could you have? I mean, you have the empathetic abilities of a two year-old! If you really gave a shit about them, you wouldn't be authorizing even more budget cuts for veterans' healthcare in the 2007 budget. And you certainly wouldn't have sent them off to an unwinnable war with out of date armor and technology in order to protect your friends' oil investments, either. So please stop posing with members of the military, especially when you rehash that tired ol' "Democrats don't care about our troops" song-and-dance -- it's truly tacky. The evidence is there for everybody to see how little you care about anybody who makes less than a seven-figure salary, assfuck.