This guy didn't learn anything from the "macaca" incident?!!? You think George Allen would have contacted Representative Goode and told him that sending out a letter condemning an entire group of people based on their religion is completely ignorant and un-American, not to mention strategically unsavvy as well (unless his constituency is as stupid as he is . . . ok, so maybe it's not that unsavvy after all). Nonetheless, some of the contents of this letter are shocking in their ignorance and paranoia:
"The Muslim representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran."
"I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped."
Wow! Is this guy serious? And what exactly does he mean when he says that these congressional Muslims will be "demanding the use of the Koran"? Does he mean just the swearing-in ceremony or does he mean an overhaul of all United States law based upon the laws of the Koran? Not that it matters: the former possiblility is a ceremonial situation and the latter is, given the circumstances, highly unlikely to be relevant in our Christian dominated society. The other thing this bozo implies in his letter is that Muslim immigrants -- not financially secure, SUV-driving Anglo-Saxon yuppie consumers -- are "swamping" this nation's resources. Huh? How does he come to this conclusion? Not only are our financially secure, SUV-driving Anglo-Saxon yuppie consumers swamping much of the U.S.'s resources, they're swamping Muslim-dominated countries's resources as well. I mean, does this fool know how many gallons of Middle East-imported fuel it takes to fill an American-made tank like the Cadillac Escalade? Wake up, Mr. Goode: we are swamping their resources, not vice versa as you see it.
So how does somebody so obviously prejudiced and ignorant get elected to such an important public position? We'll have to interview his constituency for the answer to that question. Based on the stupidity of Mr. Goode's letter, I would be afraid -- very, very afraid -- to meet the people whose views Mr. Goode reflects.